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I think we know the answer

Reader Ted emails:

In light of the enormously scoped sniper rifle in the UK, I often wonder why rights are subject to stricter and stricter regulations in response to isolated abuses while the same cannot be said for entitlements.

The tendency is to err on the side that creates dependency.

I did not intend that to rhyme.

4 Responses to “I think we know the answer”

  1. GD Says:

    re: rhyming
    You’re a poet and didn’t know it.
    har har

    (please, no comments about having a “Longfellow”).

  2. Retardo Says:

    That’s an interesting thought, because people on the left so often refer to entitlements as “rights”, and claim that there’s no difference between those and actual rights.

    But when the rubber hits the road, the distinction is perfectly clear to them, isn’t it?

  3. Weer'd Beard Says:

    Yep its all about “control”. Firearms, privacy, and release from taxation allow the individual freedom from their government.

    Meanwhile Healthcare, Welfare, and Licensing of every damn thing puts you in Big Daddy Gov’s pocket.

    Big Daddy Gov likes those things.

  4. Truthsayer Says:

    Damn…I didn’t even think I’d make the blog, much less get comments from bloggers I dig. Thanks for both the post and your answer.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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