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TN’s restaurant carry bill veto may be overridden today.

6 Responses to “Override”

  1. wizardpc Says:

    I was probably updating that post while you were typing this one out.

    Apparently on the notice will be today. The actual override won’t be until tomorrow or Monday.

  2. Finn Mattson Says:

    The Governor’s VETO will be overridden, not the bill…

  3. Mikee Says:

    Ho-hum. Another pro-civil-rights bill passes in Tennessee. When are you folks gonna get tired of doing things so right, in such a predictable manner?

    First you raise a question about why citizen rights are being infringed. Then the anti-rights bigots scream, holler, and generally look like the irrational clown posse they are. Then a reasonable law gets passed, over the governor’s veto. Rinse, repeat.

    Keep up the good work. Maybe one day Texas will get open carry passed the same way.

  4. Ron W Says:

    Veto override: Get’r done!!


    Actually we have an enumerated right to carry arms for self-defense in Tennessee (Article I, Section 26 of the Tennessee Constitution’s Declaration of Rights). Our full civil rights won’t be realized until we get rid of the gun carry permit. It is unlawful to require a permit to exercise a right!

  5. wizardpc Says:

    Ron W:

    Just wait. It’s coming. I promise.

  6. LKP Says:

    According to Stacey Campfield’s site the house has passed the override tonight! We’ll be legal again soon! That is, until some activist judge decides we shouldn’t have the right to carry in a restaurant.

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