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Loophole: A law someone doesn’t like

In PA:

House Bill 2536, introduced by state Rep. Bryan Lentz, D-161, of Swarthmore, would amend the current carry law that allows residents to carry a firearm through a license or permit issued by another state, regardless of whether Pennsylvania recognizes the right of those state’s residents to carry a gun in the commonwealth.

3 Responses to “Loophole: A law someone doesn’t like”

  1. Nathaniel Says:

    “It will also prevent individuals circumventing our system from obtaining out-of-state permits to commit crimes in the commonwealth.”

    I was unaware that other states issue “Permits to Commit Crimes”. No wonder reciprocity is such a touchy issue!

  2. Matt Groom Says:

    I guess they should post signs at the airport exits that say: “Attention all firearms concealed carry permit holders, abandon all hope, ye who enter here.”

  3. denbo Says:

    “This legislation would ensure…that Pennsylvania residents who are granted a license to carry have met the standards of our state and not those of another state whose standards may be less than ours”

    What state would that be exactly? AFAIK, PA requires all the usual background checks that every other license-issuing state does. And when I got my PA permit, they required absolutely no tests, training certificates, nothing. Just filled out the form, got a mugshot, paid the small fee, and 30 days later I was packing heat. If anything, other states might want to consider passing this law as protection from us PA license holders. 🙂

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