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Bleg: DVD

Got a Kodak Playsport video and I love it. Trouble is, it record movies as .mov files. The wife wants to burn home movies to DVD to play on the TeeVee. And windows DVD maker doesn’t dig on .mov. So, what dvd maker do you recommend for .mov files?

15 Responses to “Bleg: DVD”

  1. Bruce Says:

    I’m trying to find the same thing. All the freeware versions are pretty limited. Some put a watermark on your video, and some only record 70% of the file – which can be “fixed” by putting a blank screen on the end of your video that lasts for about 43% of the running time of your movie.

    I think that one’s called Smart DVD Creator.

  2. geekWithA.45 Says:

    Handbrake is open source, and does a whole bunch of encode/decode/recode stuff. It might take you a 3 step process, but I bet it can be sorted out.

  3. Justin Buist Says:

    I’d imagine VLC would transcode the video stream into a container more friendly for Windows Movie Maker.

  4. Jailer Says:

    Quick search turned up this. It will convert from .mov to .avi with no quality loss. You’ll have to copy and paste since my blog link fu is non existent.

    If that won’t work, do a bit of searching here and you’ll likely find your answer.

    Sounds like it’s going to take a couple steps not matter what you use.

  5. Rignerd Says:

    +1 for Handbrake.

    get it here:

  6. Jailer Says:

    Handbrake is great if you want to downconvert to a smaller format, say DVD to a portable format. Problem is it will be lossy converting to DVD. With the limited bitrate of these pocket camcorders they are a bit less tolerant of a conversion and will suffer quality loss if not done properly. The resolution is there but the bitrate of the video is not and quality will suffer as a result.

  7. john Says:

    I have tons of experience with Convert X to DVD from VSO.

    Get it here

    It works great, lets you build menus, chapters, and all that stuff you would expect from a dvd software.

  8. john Says:

    And if you look hard enough you can find a ‘trial’ version on the torrent networks.

  9. Fûz Says:


  10. Spook45 Says:

    not sure about that file format, but most formats have converters. I would go to and try to find a format converter. should be pretty easy.

  11. Dave Says:

    AVS4YOU, not free, but cheap, works very well and can convert HD with no loss. I use it at work to do conversions from diffrent departments.

  12. kirk Says:

    Free and easy. Been using it for years.

  13. RC Says:

    Ok, somebody has to say it…I use iDVD to make .mov’s, AVI’s and such to DVD.


  14. Larry Says:

    If you’re using Linux, then devede is a good solution. It’s very, very simple to use and meets simple needs well.

  15. Sammy Says:

    I agree so

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