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An Idaho point of view.

2 Responses to “Bigotry”

  1. BillH Says:

    Happens more than you think. My own family can’t understand why I want to live in a state full of skinheads, rednecks, and religious nuts.

    But it’s sad when they move here from another state and bring that attitude with them. I’ve had folks tell me they’re surprised that “Boise isn’t as backward as I was afraid it was”…

  2. RML Says:

    I had a friend who felt the “anti-brown” vibe there while on vacation and high tailed it for Montana. She’s an Italian Catholic, a group about which A. Whitney Brown said was “not quite white.” An affluent Italian girl from New York I know whose cousin is a prominent constitutional scholar knew what that meant, although she did all the right WASP-y things (ski, kayak, work for a non-profit in a -Stan, etc . . . ),

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