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Speaking of

Android outsells iPhone in the first quarter. Now, we can argue about the better software (Android) or better hardware (Android, still) but the thing that’s going to ruin the iPhone is the carrier being AT&T. I’d have had one years ago if it weren’t for that.

14 Responses to “Speaking of”

  1. Hypnagogue Says:

    It was the leak. The reason Apple keeps a tight lid on product plans is because when a new product is announced or otherwise revealed, people refuse to buy the “old” one. You can gauge latent demand for the new iPhone by the sudden lack of demand for the old one.

    Old and busted. New hotness.

    But, hey, just keep on shining you crazy Android diamond. Every gadget needs a fanboy.

  2. SayUncle Says:

    I’m not a fanboy. It’s a practical phone on a real carrier so it works as an actual phone (the reason i bought it and never considered an iphone). That it can multi-task, has flash, better camera, more powerful and in every way beats the iphone is just icing on the cake.

  3. Nate Says:

    I think the best part about the iphone is that if(when) it breaks you have to buy a whole new one. Oh and Apple lets you know that it’s not REALLY your phone by telling you what you can and can’t run on it. Oh and when I said best thing, I meant best thing for the Android. I’m going to laugh when iPhone fanboys have to watch stupid mandatory advertisements to even use thier phones.

  4. Sebastian Says:

    but the thing that’s going to ruing the iPhone is the carrier being AT&T

    And it looks like they are extending the exclusivity to 2012, which might be enough to get me to switch. AT&T is fucking awful.

  5. Sebastian Says:

    Oh and Apple lets you know that it’s not REALLY your phone by telling you what you can and can’t run on it

    There are ways around that. Plus, you can run Android OS on your iPhone if you really want 🙂

  6. BigFrank Says:

    So…..a group of 20+ phones sell more units in a quarter than a group of 3. And this is news why?

  7. Scott B Says:

    > the carrier being AT&T

    So, T-Mobile service is so spotty it’s flat out no go, here. AT&T is slightly more expensive than Verizon, but has better customer service (my experience). But Verizon seems to have better coverage where I need it.

    I left Sprint when they screwed up my bill 4 months in a row and generally failed to do the right thing. At the time their customer service was so bad that I just said F-it: I’ll pay break contract fees so I don’t have to put up with your sorry….

    All the cell phone companies are absolutely miserable. Hard to imagine that AT&T is what will drag down the iPhone, more likely Apple’s control freak attitude.

    The iPhone feels – to me – amazing. It does awesome stuff. It lives up to the hype.

    The ‘droids feel – to me – more mellow. They do the intended job well, as well as the iPhone. But they don’t scream cool. They feel more like a reserved, capable, competent tool. Just check out the widgets. Because developers are less constrained, the future is brighter.

  8. Sebastian Says:

    Hard to imagine that AT&T is what will drag down the iPhone, more likely Apple’s control freak attitude.

    Neither is helping, though the AT&T exclusivity was because AT&T was the only carrier who was willing to put up with Apple’s bullshit, so to speak 🙂 The way Apple launched the iPhone was not how things are typically done in the cell phone business, and Apple was demanding to try something very different. Cingular (at the time) was the only vendor willing to play by Apple’s rules. That’s turned out to benefit AT&T a lot more than Apple, if you ask me.

    The ‘droids feel – to me – more mellow. They do the intended job well, as well as the iPhone. But they don’t scream cool. They feel more like a reserved, capable, competent tool. Just check out the widgets. Because developers are less constrained, the future is brighter.

    Having tried both, there are things each does better than the other. Bitter’s Droid is much faster than my iPhone, though I have the original 3G rather than 3GS. Her display is also crisper than mine. But she often has issues with getting GPS to work in places the iPhone has little difficulty. I have more App selection, more accessories available, and I think the iPhone’s e-mail support is marginally (though only marginally) better. AndroidOS also allows apps to multitask. My iPhone multitasks, but only because I’ve hacked it to allow it. Battery life is pretty tasks dependent, but I think we tend to run about the same with battery life.

    But in overall look and feel, I still think the user experience edge lies with iPhone. Though Android is no slouch in that department, largely because they have copied most of the iPhone OS user interface features. That’s not to malign Google… Apple is one of the great User Interface thieves of all time. Just ask Xerox.

  9. Sebastiantheguywithnoblog Says:

    I can understand where the argument about Apple’s control freak behavior comes from…but a lot of the time it seems they’re just keeping crap off their machines that would ultimately degrades the user experience.

  10. Scott B Says:

    Re Flash: you get what you get when you run unstable software — that is unpredictable behavior.

    It is not, in my opinion, about stability. It is about look and feel. Flash apps are unlikely to behave like other apps on the iPhone, ruining the cool user experience. For Apple, I think that’s what its all about.

    Why I won’t buy apple stuff anymore: itunes not released for Linux. Too much hassle to activate and upgrade the devices!

  11. TomcatsHanger Says:

    Hey, give me a better touch screen then the iPhone. Until then, “better hardware” is a great term for nerds, and useless for folks who use the touch interface.

    All I ask is for someone to build a better touch screen. None of the droid phones do that.

  12. Xrlq Says:

    The AT&T tie-in is why I never serious considered an iPhone. That and their stupid capitalization rules. If the Droid were called a dRoid I probably would have passed on that as well.

  13. ModlCitizn Says:

    HTC EVO 4G – A real 4g phone on a great network. I’m getting mine hopefully June 6th.

    I’ve had sprint for over 10 years, mostly with samsung phones, and have had great service from them. I feel verizon has the best coverage, but sprint is pretty much right in there. My friends have iphone and their calls are constantly being dropped. Tmobile also totally blows. Sprint has been great and they are cheaper with some good phones. As a long term customer I get the full upgrade discount every year too.

  14. Jake Says:

    All I ask is for someone to build a better touch screen.

    What would you consider a “better” touch screen? My iTouch seems pretty impressive to me.

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