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I understand the fear of libertarians

After all, they want to take over and leave everyone alone. Interesting look at words that people view positively or negatively. Militia is less popular than socialism. And states’ rights beat progressive. The progressives will be along soon to tell us about code words and racism.

10 Responses to “I understand the fear of libertarians”

  1. Sebastiantheguywithnoblog Says:

    If you wanna scare people, tell ’em you’re in the progressive militia.

    Counting down to screams of horror in 3, 2, 1…

  2. blounttruth Says:

    I know many jumped the gun and drank the main stream media Kool-Aid, but now the truth is out, and the Hutaree have been granted bail due to lack of evidence of anything other than exercising their first amendment rights…

  3. The Packetman Says:

    The MSM subscribes to the tactic of throwing a skunk into the courtroom and then advising the jury to ignore the smell.

  4. Guav Says:

    Code words! Racism!

  5. John Smith Says:

    Tell them you are pro benevolent authoritarian dictatorship.

  6. Sebastian Says:

    I’d really be curious as to what makes libertarianism so negative a word to people. Could it be it’s too strongly associated with legalizing pot? Referenda on that subject seem to draw about 1/3rd support. It’s also interesting that conservatives have a more negative view.

  7. Matt Groom Says:

    I think Militia is so unpopular because the current event involving that word is a bunch of Registered Democrats from Michigan. Nobody likes Michigan.

  8. Guav Says:

    When you think about it, it’s not all that shocking that conservatives have a more negative view of libertarians. A gigantic chunk of the conservative umbrella are not like you or Uncle, they are religious and/or social conservatives, and they are not actually committed to liberty or small government at all—they are committed to forcing their morals and beliefs upon the country if at all possible (and if that requires intervention by a large, powerful state, they are fine with that). Libertarians are not their friends in the morality wars.

    In this sense, liberals have far more in common with libertarians than conservatives do.

  9. Ron W Says:

    Libertarians are actually the true liberals. The emphasis should be ALL of the Bill of Rights for everyone. That should resonate with most evryone except establishment Democrats and Republicans.

  10. oldsmobile98 Says:

    Wow. I thought everyone knew that states’ rights is code for bringing back slavery. Remember this clown?

    Mayhap some folks have been brushin’ up on their 10th-Amendment-fu. Encouraging.

    Now let me don my wookie suit for a moment:

    States don’t have rights, they have powers. Only individuals have rights.

    Thanks for the post, Uncle!

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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