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Glock 22 Conversion Kit

New from Tactical Solutions. Good niche. The Advantage Arms 22 conversions are nearly impossible to find.

6 Responses to “Glock 22 Conversion Kit”

  1. Sebastiantheguywithnoblog Says:

    I was thinking of getting another of those little barrel laser trainer things (I had a Bullite…it kept breaking and the Israeli company that made it went teats up…worst $139 I ever spent). I really liked it when it was working…

    But fuckit, if I can shoot .22 out of my G22, that’s even better. No pricing listed, but I’m ordering one.

  2. Paul Says:

    I have one and it works very well. Over 500 rounds of Remington Golden bullets and not one jam. It’s the Glock 26 model AACK unit.

  3. mariner Says:

    Have you tried gun shops for the AA conversion?

    When I was looking for mine, I could have walked out of a shop with one in my hand, but I didn’t want to pay their price.

    I umm, don’t remember what I ended up paying for it when I ordered directly from Advantage.

  4. Jailer Says:

    Sebastian, click though the picture on the page. They list the price of the threaded version at $350 and the non threaded version at $410. A bit pricier than the AA kit so I’m curious how they perform.

  5. Pop N Fresh Says:

    love my aa kit, shoot 1500+ a month and save a fortune. Bought it a long time ago before the ammo spike, That being said I would sell it for a more “natural feel.” My over-travel stop doesn’t work so I have to change out the connector when I change out slides. But I am interested in something that mimics the weight of my regular carry. That aluminum frame is ridiculously light so that takes some getting over……….

  6. TomcatsHanger Says:

    Why do so many .22 kit companies only make em for the full size handguns?

    Is it a part of being stupid? Or is it mere short sightedness?

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