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Where guns are banned

Psychopaths use knives instead.

8 Responses to “Where guns are banned”

  1. Bram Says:

    They were talking about banning meat cleavers in Hong Kong after a spate of cleavings.

  2. SayUncle Says:

    of course they were. they’re communists.

  3. comatus Says:

    Genesis 2:24.

    To be secretly engraved on the hilt of this:
    which is, frankly, a Dick Cleaver. No, really.

  4. Paul Says:

    Take away edges and people will use rocks.

    Seems to be some humour around cleavers, not sure where to go with it though.

  5. Ed Says:

    Ban Rocks!

  6. BobG Says:

    “Seems to be some humour around cleavers, not sure where to go with it though.”

    As long as nobody tries to ban cleavage.

  7. comatus Says:

    I blame Ward and June.

  8. dave Says:

    Welcome to Cleaveland.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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