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In Chicago

Mayor Daley:

This is all about guns, and that’s why the crusade is on

Well, then the solution is easy. Ban guns in Chicago. Oh, wait. That didn’t work:

So far this year, 113 people have been killed across Chicago, the same number of U.S. troops killed in Iraq and Afghanistan combined in the same period, Fritchey said.

And some want the National Guard in Chicago.

But they are pushing to pass as many gun laws as they can before McDonald.

4 Responses to “In Chicago”

  1. John Smith Says:

    Ahh the national guard. More targets for the baddies. How exactly does deploying the military lower civilian casualties. The military will be shooting at someone even if they are bad the number of civilian deaths would rise.

  2. Fangbeer Says:

    How many of the 113 in Chicago were killed with a firearm?

  3. Matt Groom Says:

    I have an idea: Why not ban Politicians from Chicago from making any laws in the future?

    See what I did there?

  4. WPZ Says:

    The typical ratio in Chicago for firearm homicides is 75+%.
    However, it’s important to note that the current 1Q total is actually significantly less than Q1 ’08, which was, if I recall, about 138.
    It’s the crusade.
    The Guard thing is just part of the media battlespace prep. No serious consideration is involved, except in the “reverends” community.
    Please don’t ask me to explain the definition of that in a public forum.
    They’re doing other media circus items like this; this is merely the one that made the nat news.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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