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In Chicago

Trying to pass as much gun control as they can before McDonald.

6 Responses to “In Chicago”

  1. Nate Says:

    Speaking of McDonald, any idea on when the opinion will be released?

  2. Jake Says:

    I think they were expected to release that one sometime in June – one of the last opinions of the term, just like Heller was.

    My guess is Chicago is trying to set as many obstacles in the way beforehand as they can. Once McDonald is decided, each of those laws will have to be challenged in court, and the city will take each of them at least to the Court of Appeals, and probably will try for SCOTUS on each challenge. This will let them delay actually complying with McDonald for as long as possible.

  3. Shootin' Buddy Says:

    It’s not Chicago. Those are bill in the Illinois General Assembly.

    (Mayor Daley is pushing them of course).

  4. WPZ Says:

    You may take “Chicago” to veritably mean “the Illinois legislature”. One-half of the population of the state lives within the metro area of six counties, over one-fifth of the state’s people being within the country’s largest county, Cook.
    A total gun ban would have a good chance of passing in Cook County, and given the leverage of the Man on the Fifth Floor, while it’s not likely, it’s not entirely out of the question.
    I don’t know that McDonald, even if it is favorably decided, will be too much of an impediment in the land where the Joyce Foundation lives and thrives.
    Another whisker-close call like Heller might only be a brake, not a barrier.
    Heller may have scared up the little guys a bit, like Evanston, but Shortshanks is uncowed, be assured.

  5. Shootin' Buddy Says:

    We need Shortshanks to be uncowed.

  6. straightarrow Says:

    MacDonald like Heller will be a roadmap for locales to continue to deny rights without running afoul of the many “reasonable” exemptions to obeying the constitution.

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