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This is my shocked face

ObamaCare to cost more than expected.

You don’t say?

13 Responses to “This is my shocked face”

  1. Paul Says:

    Amazing what the MSM can figure out once the dust has settled. So much for the ability to forecast that they claim. What a bunch of maroons.

  2. Weer'd Beard Says:

    Go figure, that’s EXACTLY what happened here in Massachusetts. Who could have known?

  3. Huck Says:

    Hell, the demtraitors who were pushing this knew that all along. They hid that to get it passed.

  4. Robert Says:

    Should be an automatic disqualifier ( I wish ), as it was voted on based on what the stated cost was at the time of the vote.

  5. hellferbreakfast Says:

    A grand piece of legislation written by acornists/communists/union thugs, & other various & sundry pond scum. Passed,unread by a gang of traitors.”We’ll have to pass it to find out what’s in it”. WHISKEY,TANGO,FOXTROT???????

  6. Jake Says:

    ObamaCare to cost more than expected Congress told us.

    There, that’s more accurate. It can’t be “more than expected,” because so many of us expected it.

    Of course, the politicians and the MSM (but I repeat myself) have to make it look like they didn’t know the projections were deliberately low, so they don’t look bad like the liars they are.

  7. Crotalus Says:

    My goodness! Who’d a thunk it?

  8. RML Says:

    Take more chickens: “(Nevada) Senate hopeful Sue Lowden’s plan for Healthcare reform is to barter chickens for medical procedures. But you may be unsure how many chickens are required for your medical care. This handy calculator converts many common procedures into chickens so you won’t look like an idiot at your next Doctor’s Appointment.”

    Disclaimer: “This site makes no guarantees regarding the correct number of chickens for your procedure. Chicken count is an estimate only based on current market value of typical live chickens and average costs of medical procedures gathered from multiple sources. Your doctor may require more chickens than specified. . . “

  9. Jake Says:


  10. hellferbreakfast Says:

    Can I swap a possum for dental work ????

  11. oldsmobile98 Says:

    “But we have to pass the bill so that you can, uh, find out what is in it…”

    – Nanners on March 9, 2010

    Let me quote from one of your favorites, Unc.

    “Anytime someone sells you food in a sack, it’s not a sack of food, it’s a sack of —-.”

    —- My Dad Says (Sept. 13, 2009)

  12. SPQR Says:

    Obama and the Democratic congressional caucus knew this, their fraud was intentional and brazen.

  13. John Smith Says:

    You guys are giving congress more credit for intelligence then I do. Most of them did not even read the bill. Uber stupids.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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