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In Virginia, political squabbling is more important than teaching kids gun safety.

2 Responses to “Education”

  1. Jake Says:

    Um. After looking at the article, and doing a quick search for the word “gun” on the alternative program’s site, I think it’s more a question of getting it right than “political squabbling.”

    The alternative program is by an apparently anti-gun organization (they link to the Brady Site as a reference to state gun laws in one lesson intended for teens, and I found references to, elsewhere.*) that hasn’t updated the program in question for “several years” and says “it does not have the resources to revise its gun safety material” (i.e., they’re not interested), and weren’t even asked if they wanted to be included or not.

    I think it’s better to use a single standard for something so important than to have a mix all across the state, and I get the feeling that’s what the governor is thinking, too. Also, given their apparent anti-gun stance, I don’t think these people should be coming up with gun safety programs at all, much less for children.

    (* Read through some of the other sections on that page I linked to. They use some very slanted, but subtle, anti-gun language. For instance, “gun prevention” and “gun and violence prevention” instead of “crime prevention” or “violence prevention”. One of the recommended “community resource people” is listed as “Shooting range instructor: Can discuss how guns can be used improperly and for violence.” Other pages that came up in my search are equally disturbing: the first link on their “Crime Prevention Basics” page is to the Bradys; they perpetuate the gun-show loophole myth, tout gun “buy-back” programs as successful strategies, etc.)

  2. mariner Says:

    As usual, it isn’t really about the children. It’s about using phony concern for children to pursue the anti-gun agenda.

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