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Shot Timers

A look at timers for the iPhone. I should probably try one out for the Droid.

6 Responses to “Shot Timers”

  1. Mad Man Says:

    Try this. Seems to work ok.

  2. hecate Says:

    Open Shot Timer doesn’t seem to work on Android 2.1. You might try Shot Clock in the Android Market. It isn’t perfect, or good enough to use in competition, but it’s fine for practice.

  3. cyrus Says:

    what are the features you would want in a shot timer on a phone?

    I am working on learning to program in andriod, and i think this would be a good project.

  4. SayUncle Says:

    Cool. I would say random start times and counting shots would cut it. Let me know.

  5. mariner Says:

    User-selectable delay start.

    Count-down: One beep to start, programmable shooting period, one beep to end.

  6. cyrus Says:

    thanks for the input.

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