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Obama: “Most Pro-Gun Dem President”

So says MSNBC. I suppose he might be in the sense that he hasn’t actively pursued any real gun control regulations. And pretty much told his gun controlling AG to shut up about it. However, he’s as pro-gun a president as a guy who doesn’t collect stamps is a hobby stamp collector.

8 Responses to “Obama: “Most Pro-Gun Dem President””

  1. Paul Says:

    He is just sneaking something through some where else. This guys does the 3 card monty like no one we have ever seen.

    I’m really concerned about what office he is running for now. Since the man has been in permant campaign mode for most, if not all, of his adult life, what can he be campaigning for now?

    Answer that question and we will know what to expect.

  2. John Smith Says:

    Not outright trying to ban every gun does not mean pro gun. It merely means he wants reelection.

  3. Canthros Says:

    Obama as the most pro-gun President from the Democratic Party (in how many years, though?) seems like it says more about Democratic Presidents than about Obama.

    Especially if his expansion of gun rights boils down to signing a single bill that restores a right we probably took for granted fifty years ago.

  4. chris Says:

    This is preposterous, as usual, because his AG expressed his intention of trying to renew the AWB within a month or 2 of his confirmation.

  5. mike w. Says:

    Since when does “Hasn’t tried to ram gun control down our throats” equate to being “pro-gun?”

    The folks at MSNBC must still be high on Hope & Change.

  6. anon Says:

    Obama didn’t sign a ‘National Park Carry Bill’, he signed the “Credit Card ‘Reform'” bill that it was in despite it’s presence. The Bush administration made the change originally, the amendment {thank Senator Tom Coburn (R-Okla)} to the unrelated bill was only necessary to counter some libtard judge legislating our rights away from the bench.

  7. mariner Says:


    Obama is running for either Emperor or Savior now, I’m not sure which.

  8. Drang Says:

    I file this under “Consider the source”…

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