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Local shooting

Gunman walks right past no gun signs and shoots three people.

5 Responses to “Local shooting”

  1. Tam Says:

    Here in Indy a gunman tried to shoot three people, too, but an armed citizen smoked his ass instead. 8)

  2. Tam Says:

    (Although you didn’t hear about our story, because when the good guys win, it goes on p. A-16 instead of making headlines…)

  3. straightarrow Says:

    slimlizzie in comments at the story likened the observances about the signs as jokes. Obviously Slim is mighty slim in the brains department.

  4. Lyle Says:

    Obviously they should have had larger no guns signs.

  5. divemedic Says:

    What kills me is that when a pro-rights person states “See, the signs don’t work” all the anti-rights people pile on and tell him how he should be ashamed for using the deaths of others to forward a political agenda.

    Then, the very next day, Helmke and others dance on the graves of the dead and demand more gun laws just like the ones that didn’t stop the shooting.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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