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That was the magnitude of the earthquake that awoke me and the Mrs. this morning. According to the local press, the center was right near our place. Loud boom then the whole house shook for a few seconds.

4 Responses to “3.3”

  1. Paul Says:

    Maybe they are called the smokey mountains for a reason?

  2. Robert Says:

    New Madrid fault waking up?

  3. Weer'd Beard Says:

    If that had happened here, there’s a good chance the Big Dig might have filled itself in. And that’s why we need guns, as that would DEFINETLY be SHTF

  4. Jerry Says:

    I went to sleep on the couch last night. When that truck hit the house this morning, my elbow hit the tv tray. I got a chest full of melted ice cubes. It took 30 min for Mr. Witcher to confirm where the truck went.


Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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