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That’ll stop the robberies

Bank puts up no gun signs.

5 Responses to “That’ll stop the robberies”

  1. dustydog Says:

    They need a no robbery sign. Probably a few more laws against robbing banks too. For instance, what politician wouldn’t support an additional felony charge for bank robbing while in possession of child pornography?

  2. Mikee Says:

    My local credit union has a pistol silhouette with the red circle and bar on its front door. As this is Texas, I asked the manager (with my hands in plain sight at all times atop her desk) if it meant no legal concealed carry was desired by the management. I also explained that under Texas law, a sign with specific wording and lettering was required to disallow CHL carry.

    She sighed sorrowfully and explained that she knew all that, and had explained it to her management chain, but the facilities management person in charge of store signage had insisted on it, without giving any rational reason.

    I did not ask her how or why she knew all about Texas concealed carry law, despite her carrying her purse with her when she moves from her office to the teller stations, but we agreed it was likely a marketing move to make more comfortable those who don’t carry a legal concealed handgun.

  3. Harvey Says:

    It makes about as much sense as the rest of the anti gun laws of the state I’m currently stuck in – North Carolina. All financial institutions are off limits for concealed carry. Very convenient for the business owner who has to make cash deposits, not to mention the rest of us. The state politicians couldn’t care less, and apparently, the NRA.

  4. JJR Says:

    My local credit union in Texas has the 30.06 sign which also bars legal concealed carry.

    Yes, they have an armed constable sitting a a desk in the lobby (guess who’s the first target if there’s ever an actual robbery attempt), and yes, a robber would be pretty dumb to hit this particular branch which is right behind the main police station, but if the constable fails to stop an attempt, then it’s still a situation of “when seconds count, the police are only minutes away”.

    I’d have no problem if they put up a sign barring “unlicensed carry”, since I have a license. If there’s no 30.06 sign in Texas you can blow right past a circle/slash graphic unless someone verbally informs you of their policy and asks you to leave, or it’s a place that derives 51% or more sales from alcohol, indicated by different signage.

    I would complain to the manager, but they’re likely to point out their armed guard and the proximity to the police station and I don’t want the staff regarding me as a “gun nut”.

  5. divemedic Says:

    If my bank posted, I would simply find a new bank.

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