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My new favorite time waster

Flaming Zambooka: Bazookas, anvils, zombies and physics. What more do you need? Do not click unless you’ve got 30 minutes to kill. I warned you.

5 Responses to “My new favorite time waster”

  1. Robb Allen Says:

    Greeeeaaat, just what I needed.

    Not like I need to keep my job or anything.

  2. Nick Says:

    well…you did warn me…

  3. Smince Says:

    Crap, given my dismissive self-control I usually don’t give credence such warnings. But man, this is like Lemmings for big boys. I’m a zombie to this game now…

  4. DirtCrashr Says:


  5. Bram Says:

    You bastard…

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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