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Kids and toy guns

Using toy guns to instill gun safety rules. On one hand, I can see a good reason for doing this. On the other hand, kids will be kids and preventing that would be like herding cats.

4 Responses to “Kids and toy guns”

  1. Mad Man Says:

    Heh, this is something my wife has been trying to do for years. “Don’t point that toy gun at anyone”, etc. While my kids know the difference between the real thing and a toy, I worked on them to always check the chamber before playing with it. If it is a toy, no chamber, ok to play with. If it has a chamber, put it down and ask Daddy for assistance. If unsure, go get Daddy.

    Kids will be kids. They’re going to point toy guns at each other, themselves, the neighbor’s cat, whatever. Part of the fun of being a kid is the neighborhood “wars”. I’m ok with it as long as they follow the above rules.

  2. ericire12 Says:

    I had to tell my 4 year old just yesterday not to point his Nerf pistol at his face. It solved the problem for the immediate, but doubt it will stick for the long term….. he is just 4

  3. alex. Says:

    Kids and toy guns have been a bone of contention for a long, long time. Elmer Keith hated them with a purple passion. Having had the joy of raising four head of crumbsnatchers I disagree. The trick is to train the rugrats that a piece of chicom, neon plastic is not a real gun, and that a real gun will put a bleeding, screaming hole in your brother, sister, mother, etc. Mine have gotten the message. That being said, I hate what I call “fake guns”. Not the above mentioned obviously not a gun toys, but the ones that look exactly like a gun. Those will get somebody killled.

  4. Tom L Says:

    I have a son, who is now 13. Since he was old enough to walk he has been coming to gun matches with me. One of my most treasured photos of him shows him at age 2 in a cowboy rig with ear muffs and safety glasses on.

    I have always used his guns to teach safety. Even now, when he and his “posse” of other young testosterone trailers have their Nerf gun battles, they do so with glasses on, and I am proud to see them moving with good muzzle discipline and fingers off the triggers. Yes, they point at each other, but if they don’t, then they won’t hit each other. They know the difference between toys and real guns, and I doubt if any of them will grow up to be the neighborhood baddie.

    By the way, when I was growing up, I was the guy who shot someone’s eye. No, it didn’t put his eye out, and yes, he is okay. The next weekend, though, one of the neighborhood Dads made a run to Sears, and we all had goggles.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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