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Police officer pleads guilty to firing on civilians in the wake of Katrina.

8 Responses to “Guilty”

  1. Stranger Says:

    And one more of the atrocities volunteer communications workers heard discussed during Katrina has been verified.

    I am still waiting on verification of the story that President Bush begged then La. Governor Kathleen Blanco to fulfill the requirements of the law and ask for help, and got a cussin’ for his trouble. Along with a demand for $250 billion in “emergency funding.”

    Followed by a threat of awful revenge to befall anyone speaking ill of Blanco from Senator Mary Landrieu.


  2. Crotalus Says:

    And there you have it. Cops are not “law enforcement” anymore, but the enemy.

  3. Huck Says:

    If there was ever a case of thugs on a rampage, this is it!

  4. Paul Says:

    Isn’t Stephen Seagal, the lame movie actor, down there near New Orleans?

    I here he’s a part-time LEO and just hates civilians with guns. Wonder if he did any of the shooting?

  5. Mikee Says:

    I have seen Seagal’s reality show, where he is indeed a real live law enforcement officer. He has not evinced any animus against law-abiding citizens legally carrying guns on the show that I have seen, and I’ve watched four episodes, IIRC.

    He is also an expert, expert shot with a 45ACP, as reported in several gun magazines over the years. This makes sense, as he is a well trained and disciplined martial artist with great dexterity and self-control.

    On the other hand, he is very good at identifying the one gun-carrying teen gangbanger in a group of teens, who has the pistol shoved down his low-riding pants, underneath an extra long t-shirt. That sort of individual gets very short shrift from him, and a ride to jail to await trial.

  6. Lyle Says:

    Going on the assumption that words mean things;
    All cops, unless they’re military police, are civilians themselves. To say “cop fires on civilians” is a bit odd. Were their some military people there ho might have fired upon, so we have to make the distinction? Are we implying that cops are not civilians? Do civilian cops understand the difference between a civilian and a military cop? One wonders.

  7. straightarrow Says:

    Lyle asks, “Do civilian cops understand the difference between a civilian and a military cop?”

    I think a better question might be, “Do civilians understand there is no difference between most police department and any other criminal street gang?”

  8. Someone You Know Says:

    Say Uncle,

    That first line should have been

    A police officer, who fired his gun at citizens on the Danzinger Bridge, a week after Hurricane Katrina, pleaded guilty to murder …

    Yea, calling folks “civilians” give most folks that us vs. them mentality. Something we don’t need

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

Uncle Pays the Bills

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