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So, what do you want to do about it?

Michael Bane asks:

I’m going to walk into the stage at the Second Amendment March…what do I need to say? If I’m going to call for action, what action should I be calling for?

8 Responses to “So, what do you want to do about it?”

  1. Shootin' Buddy Says:

    Action? Ummm, it’s a three part plan, numbnuts:

    1. Get your checkbook out (or dig up bars of gold [aka ask Mom for the money] if you are a Libertarian).
    2. Write check out for price of last firearm you purchased.
    3. Send said check to National Rifle Association-Institute for Legislative Action.

  2. Bitter Says:

    Actually, send it to PVF – they make the political donations to the pro-gun candidates. ILA does the lobbying, which is really important, but I’d rather just change Congress this year. 🙂

  3. ModlCitzn Says:

    1. Tell people not to waste their money on the NRA
    2. Focus on showing people why you like firearms, take people shooting , so use money to buy ammo and fun guns for that
    3. Get a steel target – I have only seen smiles after people hear that ringing! And then their determination to keep pulling that trigger and hitting the target.

    That’s a plan for action that will win more defenders of firearm rights; more people pulling the trigger and having fun.

  4. Spook45 Says:

    Calm and calculated action. People should ring the congress critters phones off of the wall. Brow beat them to death until they listen, use constitutional terms in doing so and reitereate with the fact that they WILL BE VOTED OUT if they dont listen to US WE THE PEOPLE! Buy more ammo……AND A MEGAPHONE!

  5. Robert Says:

    The only real way to change party platforms or leaders is by participating in your party’s monthly county precinct meetings. These precincts actually vote on state & national leaders & set party issues. Really!

    All politics ARE local and thousands of committeeman positions are vacant nationally. Make a difference!

  6. Greg in Allston Says:

    Why aren’t more blogs promoting the Second Amendment March money bomb that’s scheduled for today? They’re looking to raise a mere $50k. I just clicked in my 0.1%. As of 20:21 EDT they’ve only raised $6961. Isn’t it time that we all put a little bit of money where are mouths are? If for no other reason than to keep the leftist press’ panties in a twist. Imagine the look on Rachel Maddow’s face if the March were to raise, say, $500k. Priceless!! Look what Scott Brown raised with his money bomb.

    Y’all are going to be there, right?

  7. SayUncle Says:

    I didn’t know the money bomb was today.

  8. Greg in Allston Says:

    Go to their website.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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