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Excellent 1851 Colt Navy that belonged to an abolitionist is returned to museum.

6 Responses to “Nice”

  1. Shootin' Buddy Says:

    What a wonderful story!

    The slaves were not freed with kind words.

  2. Weer'd Beard Says:

    wow, how does a BP gun survive THAT long and look THAT good?

  3. Blake Says:

    It belongs in a museum!

  4. Mikee Says:

    Just how exactly does a museum in Chicago legalize possession of a usable handgun within the city limits? I think there is a guy named McDonald who might want to know.

  5. Lyle Says:

    “wow, how does a BP gun survive THAT long and look THAT good?”
    Probably wasn’t fired much, and in any case, you keep them reasonably clean and dry, don’t handle them a lot, and they’ll last for centuries. Or millennia. There are plenty of surviving examples from 100s of years ago, long before percussion ignition, and even before the flintlock.

  6. straightarrow Says:

    They also declined to reimburse him for the costs he incurred in acquiring and insuring the gun.

    “That was never a condition of returning it, [but] why couldn’t they just hand me $500 or even $100?” he said.”

    Hell, he’s lucky Daley didn’t have him charged with receiving stolen property and possession and carrying of a firearm in Chicago.

    While I applaud the honesty and principle of this man, I would never have relinquished it to any sonofabitch in Chicago. Not ever, unless they become part of America, which they show no desire to do.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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