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Some forms of therapy are not covered under Obamacare.

You’ve gotta love that grin.

2 Responses to “Nice”

  1. ben Says:

    I just read in CNN article the bit about the penalties for not having insurance, and the other bit about insurance companies being barred from turning away customers with pre-existing conditions.

    Seems to me the penalty for not having insurance is a heck of a lot lower than the cost of insurance. That, and the fact that the government just made health insurance not insurance, why bother buying health insurance? I’m just going to drop my insurance, pay the paltry penalty, and buy “insurance” after I need it.

    Are the Dems really this stupid? Or is this part of the plan to completely socialize medicine?

  2. Dean Says:


Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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