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That’s my money odds.

Runaway Prius or Driving While Old?

One Response to “10/90”

  1. Lyle Says:

    I have a retail store in a crowded downtown area. Within a three or four period, we had an old woman floor her accelerator, burn rubber up and over the sidewalk, and into our storefront, causing minor damage to the building. This was followed by an almost exact repeat, also by an old woman driver, near our friend’s business about a block away. No arrests were made.

    Several years later, I was driving home on the highway at night, when someone started to pass me. This is a two lane highway (one each direction). The car that passed me, however, never got back into its proper lane. It just stayed in the on-coming lane. Several cars had to avoid it as they passed in the opposite direction. This and other odd behavior prompted me to call the police about a possible DUI. They told me to stop along with them so I could give a statement. After talking to the driver for some time, the cop come to me and said, “It’s only an old woman” as if that wasn’t a problem. Everyone went on their merry way.

    A few years later, an old woman driver crossed into on-coming traffic on another highway, hitting head-on with a car my niece was in. It nearly killed my niece. She spent months in the hospital and was in critical condition several times. She is scarred for life.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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