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Kriss Super V Problems

At subguns, reports that the Kriss cannot extract an unfired round and it was not designed to do so. Seems like a significant flaw to me.

4 Responses to “Kriss Super V Problems”

  1. John Smith Says:

    For range shooters probably not as much. For combat yeah that could be a real pita. I daresay right up there with an m16a2 jam. Lets see the actions would be firing , sudden stop , lots of cursing, trying to extract, remove magazine, extract cartridge, reinsert magazine praying for no more bad cartridges, continue firing hopefully and then go home an cursing the kriss for a stoppage like that. Oh and more cursing when you are told there is nothing that can be done and it is a congenital defect.

  2. TomcatsHanger Says:

    That makes failure to fire drills a real SOB doesn’t it?

    I wonder if they will try and sell it as a feature? It sure becomes hard to think you unloaded it when you cycle the bolt with a mag in and nothing happens, no round ejects, nada.

  3. Mad Saint Jack Says:

    They just need to add a ramrod to the gun. Then it will be “Revolutionary”.

  4. Laughingdog Says:

    I wonder if this will have any effect at all on Robb’s lust for this gun.

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