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When your only tool is a hammer

IRS gets all IRS on someone over $0.04.

2 Responses to “When your only tool is a hammer”

  1. Jake Says:

    Talk about a no-win situation!

    Monetarily, it’s not worth fighting – it would cost him more in court costs, much less attorney’s fees, to fight it than it would just to pay it. On the other hand, the IRS probably paid more to send the two people to hand deliver the letter than they actually claim he owed, never mind the cost if he tries to fight it.

    Commonsense in government, isn’t.

  2. Jeff the Baptist Says:

    Could be worse. I had the State of Pennsylvania come after me when they owed me 75 cents. Figure that one out.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

Uncle Pays the Bills

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