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OC in Alaska

At public meetings. AK has some of the most lax gun laws in the nation. No permit required to carry, for instance. Wonder what the practical point of OC there would be.

7 Responses to “OC in Alaska”

  1. Skullz Says:

    “Wonder what the practical point of OC there would be.”

    It takes a lot of extra time to dig a concealed weapon out from beneath multiple layers of baby seal skins and whale blubber.

  2. Heckler Says:

    Comfort. Speed.

  3. Weer'd Beard Says:

    A close friend of mine lives in Alaska. Gets pretty warm in the summer, so she OCs then.

  4. cyrus Says:

    second the first two.

  5. Britt Says:

    Alaska’s pretty low crime…but high in critters. If I lived there I’d carry something with some punch and leave a good rifle in the trunk.

  6. Weer'd Beard Says:

    Good point, Britt. They call it the Ruger Alaskan for a reason, and it is not a very easy gun to conceal. Other similar bear guns are even bigger!

  7. chris Says:

    The practical point is that OWB carry is typically a LOT more comfortable.

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