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What media bias?

In Chicago, if Pfleger or Daley assemble two people touting gun control, the Chicago Tribune makes a mess in its pants from all the glee. But thousands of pro-gun folks descend on the capital and it gets nary a mention:

There were recently three Town Hall meetings held with pro-gun agendas, in McHenry County, DuPage County and the south side of Chicago. Not a single sentence appeared in the tribune. Yesterday there was an estimated 7,000 gold shirted citizens in Springfield for IGOLD; the Illinois Gun Owners Lobby Day. They marched almost a mile through downtown Springfield and crowded into the Capital Building to lobby their elected representatives. Even though the Tribune had reporters and photographers in Springfield for Mr. Quinn’s budget address not one word of coverage made it into the Tribune.

More here. And here’s some video from the event.

2 Responses to “What media bias?”

  1. Zack Says:

    The Tribune once called for repeal of the 2nd Amendment. Ironically, that was about the time when then Governor Blagojevich was putting pressure on the Trib to fire the reporters who were saying nasty things about him. The Trib should be careful what they wish for… if the 2nd Amendment falls, the 1st Amendment may follow.

    The only thing in the Tribune worth the price of the paper is columnist John Kass.

  2. Jerry in Detroit Says:

    It’s getting so bad my parakeet won’t XXXX on it anymore.

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