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And probably congress too

The other biased Washington paper:

The National Rifle Association has a higher mean approval rating among likely voters than Barack Obama. This and other fascinating facts emerged from the Democracy Corps/Third Way national security survey released this week. According to its liberal authors, the “sobering” results of the survey provide “a wake-up call for President Obama, his party and progressives on national security.”

5 Responses to “And probably congress too”

  1. Captain Holly Says:

    Not surprising. I think the only people who truly hate the NRA — besides the VPC and the Brady Bunch — are members of the GOA.

    All 87 of them. 😉

  2. Paul Says:

    Obama has had so many wakeup calls the neighbors are complaining.

    But he and Pelosi and Reid just ain’t gonna learn.

    Mid-terms are almost here!!! Thank goodness!

  3. Crotalus Says:

    “Third Way”… Isn’t that actually fascism?

  4. ericire12 Says:

    Maybe they only polled likely “Rooftop” voters

  5. Lyle Says:

    Wait; “…progressives on national security.”


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