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On dumb gun laws

A felony in Massachusetts.

5 Responses to “On dumb gun laws”

  1. Daniel C. Says:

    The laws in that state are crazy, but the original story seems a bit over the top without a supporting example of someone being prosecuted for having a piece of spent brass in their boot.

  2. Bruiser Says:

    Dumb masses.

  3. Chas Says:

    Markie Marxist sez: “Felonious political incorrectness is no laughing matter! It’s a serious threat to the communization of America! That’s why we have such laws, and why we’re keeping them. It’s just common communist sense to penalize private gun owners at every opportunity, because we can’t yet round them all up and send them to the gulag to be shot in the back of the head. Obama’s been a real let down on that point, but we were hoping.”

  4. Weer'd Beard Says:

    Daniel, as far as I know nobody has ever been prosecuted in Mass for possession of spent cartridges. I do know of several cases where that charge was NOT leveled. I suspect it’s because if they charge somebody for such a goofy infraction, they will draw attention to the dumb law, and they might have to admit it IS a dumb law and repeal it.

    All you have to do is look at the arrest record for the average thug on the street here to know that here in Massachusetts, Laws are just for show.

  5. Lyle Says:

    I WISH dumb gun laws were a felony in MA, and everywhere else.

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