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That’s Racist

White students win historically black competition. Black students have no problem with that. No, I kid. They’re pissed off.

In other news, the AP still hasn’t mastered hyperlinks and didn’t link the video of the performance and the booing.

12 Responses to “That’s Racist”

  1. Weer'd Beard Says:

    not racist, not at ALL!

  2. Wolfwood Says:

    Were the people complaining about cultural theft speaking the English language, by any chance?

  3. Molon Labe Says:

    “On Thursday, sponsor Coca-Cola announced “scoring discrepancies” and said the runner-up — the Alpha Kappa Alpha team from Indiana University, whose members are black — would share first place and receive the same $100,000 in scholarships that the Zeta Tau Alphas won.”

    Translation: “Oh shit! We can’t appear racist now. quick, cook the numbers!”

  4. Tam Says:

    “Good Job but let the Black folks have their own thing for once!!!” wrote one commenter posting under the name “titetowers” who said the Zeta Tau Alpha team did well but should not have won.

    No, having “own thing” is called Jim Crow. Either everybody plays our reindeer games, or nobody does.

  5. Wolfwood Says:

    ETA: No implication meant that black people speaking English is cultural theft. That came out way wrong. Still, what’s “cultural theft?” Isn’t culture something you want other people to absorb from you?

  6. Mikee Says:

    I recall some angst back in the last century about guys like Jackie Robinson playing in the previously lily-white major leagues of baseball. And the general lack of people of pallor in major league basketball. And so on. It was a shock to racial supremacists of the day that persons of color could outcompete persons of pallor.

    Where merit is the only measure for inclusion, old foolishness like racial discrimination needs to get lost. It works both ways. And next year I bet the traditionally black schools will “Bring It On” to make sure their teams have a good chance of winning, as will the winners from this year. Which is as it should be, for the betterment of the competition.

  7. Hyman Roth Says:

    The dancing shoe is on the other foot now.

    Ha ha, I love it!

  8. Ted Says:

    Wow, let’s try this out. “You can’t play hockey because you’re black. Everybody knows hockey was started by white people.” That doesn’t work, so why do they think it should work the other way around? Craziness.

  9. B Woodman Says:

    Stupid racism.
    FYI, I’m a mixed-mongrel Caucasian, so take my remarks from that viewpoint.

    All the “people of color” expect us “whiteys” to let them into our clubs and organizations, and to play our whitey games and sports. Otherwise, to keep “them” out, is racism.

    BUT — those same “people of color” think it’s fair and NOT racist to keep us “whiteys” out of THEIR clubs, organizations and sports?

    Obviously, they can’t think past the end of their noses and smell the hypocricy.It comes down to a case of “us” vs “them”. And so long as the advantages run one way, it’s perfectly acceptable for those on the receiving end. But let the others start trying to claim that same advantage, to make privledges run both ways, and now it’s “not fair.”


  10. Lyle Says:

    “Isn’t culture something you want other people to absorb from you?”

    Yup. They should be happy about it, the same way Lionel Hampton was so happy that the University of Idaho built up a successful jazz festival, he decided to help support and promote it. Their music department has since been renamed the Lionel Hampton School of Music. Mostly whitish kids playing jazz. Oh my! The sky is falling. Next thing you know we’ll have that color blind society Martin Luther King Jr. dreamed about, but before that happens the race baiting indusrty is going to have to back the fuck off.

    “I’m a mixed-mongrel Caucasian, so take my remarks from that viewpoint.” I don’t care what damned color you are, that’s a good argument and as such it can stand on its own without qualifiers.

  11. straightarrow Says:

    I hate racists, and I don’t care what color they are.

  12. I.B. BLACKMAN Says:

    I my opinion since they came out with that buns of steel tape caucasion women have been able to compete with sistas in every way except the neck roll and making chitlins but that is just my opinion

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