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Security Theater

Keeping us safe from the scourge of flash cards. Because, obviously, you can hide a bomb in them.

5 Responses to “Security Theater”

  1. Joe Says:

    Detaining him makes perfect sense. After all, Gambit of the X-Men can make cards explode like little bombs. What if this kid had been another mutant like Gambit, only evil? You can’t be too careful these days.

  2. B Smith Says:

    Gee. Now if we could just detain/deport all the f*ckers coming across the border with Spanish-language crap (And most of them can’t even speak speak much- if any- English.) Sigh.

  3. Ted Says:

    He was asked if he knew who “did 9/11.”

    He answered, Osama bin Laden.

    Then he was asked, “Do you know what language he spoke?”

    George answered, Arabic.”

    The supervisor then held up his flash cards. “Do you see why these cards are suspicious?”

    Holy shit, because the only person in the world that knows arabic is this kid and bin Ladin! They’re best freinds! They’re on each other’s Facebook page!

    Holy shit, the TSA is chock full of retards.

  4. donkeyshow Says:

    maybe it should be harder to get in the TSA.
    TSA are not police. there like mall cops.

    I have a fear of flying now.
    Its not the actual flight itself. I enjoy that. It’s the TSA. I’m afraid I’ll get held up and miss my flight. WTF happens if I am held up. will the TSA put me on another plan to my destination? will I have to buy a new ticket? am I just so sad to bad?

    I can only think of three instances of terrorism scince the TSA has been formed that made the news(I’ll give them a freebee or two for the one’s we didn’t hear about.) shoe bomber, dude from x-mas, I think there was onther but I can’t remember. the kicker……THOSE F-INGHIGHMERS MADE IT ON THE PLANE.

  5. donkeyshow Says:

    oh I bet that kid is on the terrorist watch list now.

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