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Collective facepalm

In SC, tea party merges with Republican party. Kinda reinforces my earlier concerns.

10 Responses to “Collective facepalm”

  1. Veeshir Says:

    The tea party issue is quickly getting as fractious as abortion posts.

    I’m curious, why is the tea party getting involved with the GOP a bad thing?
    The only way to get things done is electorally, and if you can get the GOP to be small gov’t types, isn’t that a good thing?

  2. Nate Says:

    I think it depends on who caved to who. I am inclined to think that the gop used the “just the tip, just for a second” argument to get the tea party in bed with them, they have perfected it on other groups in the past; anti-abortionists, gun owners etc.

  3. John Smith Says:

    The watering down of the tea party begins. Sewer water that is.

  4. Veeshir Says:

    Another thing, there’s no Tea Party.
    There are tea partiers.
    Lots of people are trying to take over the movement, but it’s about the gov’t not listening to teh Peepul.

    Seriously, go to one of the protests. I’m sure we’ll start seeing more pre-made signs, but so far they’ve almost all been home-made ones. And witty ones.
    “Will fight for freedom”
    “Don’t Tax me bro”
    “The Redcoats are coming” (with pics of Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid in Soviet uniforms)

    Just because some Tea Party Official somewhere says something doesn’t mean the tea partiers are going to listen.

  5. Ian Argent Says:

    If the tea partiers can pull of the kind of infiltration of the republican party that the progressive did of the democrats, this isn’t a bad thing. Why go through all the uphill effort of building a third party (which is preactically impossible nationwide) when you can co-opt one of the existing mechanisms

  6. John Smith Says:

    My preference is that we have more than two major parties in this country. We need something to offset the two parties that are only differing in how to best screw over the American people. It would be nice to see both current parties took to task over the decisions they make. I am all for the slogan ‘Vote them out. All of them” Term limits would also be nice. As in one term per politician which resets every other term. Sure some say there would be no accountability, but then again there is none anyhow so what difference does it make.

  7. B Smith Says:

    I’m with Veeshir. It’s not necessarily all bad, unless we listen to Republican party hacks instead of remembering what the movement is all about.
    Of course, the downside(and a mighty big one)is that the looney Left is already claiming that the TEA Party is just a front for (R)s who want to “get even” with Urkel, and this simply lends credence to their argument. I maintain that if things go correctly, a lot of (R)s will get a nasty shock come November, too.As a wise man once said (I think it was Major Caudill*):”If you want to get rid of the idiots, you have to start with your own idiot.”
    The TEA Party is the closest thing I’ve seen to real Libertarianism, and I’d like to see that sentiment grow here. There’s a great quote from Thomas Jefferson:
    “The spirit of resistance to government is so valuable on certain occasions, that I wish it to always be kept alive. It will often be exercised when wrong, but better so than not to be exercised at all. I like a little rebellion now and then. It is like a storm in the atmosphere.”

    *For the uninitiated, that’s a lame-humor reference to Marko, of The Munchkin Wrangler. Check him out.

  8. B Smith Says:

    Ah shyt, Uncle, Sorry— hope ya don’t mind the ref to M.W. in yer comments. If so, delete…I’ll understand.

  9. Kevin S Says:

    Disgust with the way democrats run things does not automatically translate into a vindication of the republican agenda. Republicans would do well to understand this and tread warily.

  10. straightarrow Says:

    If the R’s changed ok, if the tea partiers did, shame.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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