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Phoning it in

Content is hard when you’re busy, uhmmkay.

Been busy. How busy? Well busier than either:

A one legged man in an ass-kicking contest.

A three-legged dog trying to take a piss on a frozen lake.

A man whose job it is to dig fly shit out of black pepper (only reference I could come up with that didn’t involve odd numbers of legs).

Anyway, my professional life has suddenly become a bit more, err, involved. And I find myself learning a whole big giant bunch about an industry in a short amount of time, while at the same time being forced to change a long-running company’s methods of operation. While I, as a matter of practice, know how to run a company efficiently, I do not know a damn thing about this particular industry. And while saying you should do x because it’s more efficient is the right call, adjusting that x to an unfamiliar industry is cumbersome.

So, the blogging has been lighter, taken less effort, and is done the night before. It’s actually 9:45pm yesterday that I am typing this. With a glass of Scotch in hand watching the cats fight like they always do after the kids and wife go to bed. And all those other posts for today were written even before that. Except the shake weight one. Which I wrote after but moved to the bottom hoping my wife won’t see it. And a joke she probably hasn’t gotten yet and will be mad about in the morning once she realizes what I meant. Oh, and that Miculek DVD that I haven’t watched yet, you’ve already seen my brief review.

Maybe my normal, real time, breaking news type blogging will kick in soon. Or maybe not. What do you care? It’s free.

And, while I appreciate your help, yeah, I know, I make typos and type faster than I think so the grammar may leave some to be desired. And I forgot a link or something. And I’m glad you take time out of your day to tell me. But, nothing personal, it’s not just you who tells me. It’s you and ten to thirty other people. So, for me, just deal with it. I mean if it’s an error that is just patently fucking out there and is a colossal fuck up, fine. Tell me. But minuscule bullshit no one cares about, stop. I’m busy.

12 Responses to “Phoning it in”

  1. Lornkanaga Says:


    I still enjoy reading whatever you have to say. Take your time. I’ll still be here. Not that you know me or anything (g).

  2. Alchemyst Says:

    Scotch, did you actually say you were drinking scotch? All that other crap is just that. Christ man – switch back to George Dickel and everything will be fine.

  3. Guav Says:

    This was actually a very enjoyable entry haha

  4. comatus Says:

    Seems to be a disgusting amount of this “success” going around lately. Can’t be good for business.
    (pacem, “Freemarket”).

    I note with some pleasure your continued ability to spell “minuscule” correctly. Things can’t be that bad.

  5. Tam Says:

    Hey, I just wanted a chance to make the “Rangers have tacticles” joke, that’s all. 😉

    Other than that, well let he who has never typo’ed cast the first stone.

  6. Blackwing1 Says:

    Who cares about tipos/typis/topos/typos?

    Just don’t vanish like Mr. FM and KdT have…

  7. Jennifer Says:

    Busier than a cat in a sandbox…
    No odd numbers of legs.

  8. Davidwhitewolf Says:

    “Miniscule” errors will be dutifully ignored.

  9. Standard Mischief Says:

    busier than a two-peckered billy goat

    busier than a long-tailed cat in a room full of rocking chairs

    busier than a one-toothed man in a corn-on-the-cob eating contest

    Busier than a one-armed paperhanger with the crabs

  10. Gun Blobber Says:

    Hey, no biggie, everybody has times like that. However, I do count on you as my gun blog aggregator. You do a lot of reading, so I don’t have to 🙂

  11. nk Says:

    First quarter crunch. Lot of that going around. Hang in there, Uncle.

  12. ModlCitzn Says:

    Gayest thing I have ever seen on a gun blog:


Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

Uncle Pays the Bills

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