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ATF sued for breech of contract

They agreed to provide infiltrating agent with protection. Then, when the agent said it wasn’t good, they withdrew all protection and bad guys who were infiltrated burned his house down. Probably the first time ATF has been involved in a case with a fire in which they didn’t burn the house down.

2 Responses to “ATF sued for breech of contract”

  1. Spook45 Says:

    HEH! Dambed if you do dambed if you dont. Lets see now, you do work for atf and the bad guys get mad at you and burn down your hosue; You REFUSE to work for atf in which case ATF gets mad at you and…..BURNS DOWN YOUR HOUSE! Hmm; how do you feel about living in a TENT?? Maybe a box under a bridge, probly safer than working for an outfit like ATF the jackbooted thugs of the 90s an d the bastards of Law Enforcement. BUY MORE AMMO……and FIRE EXTENGUISHERS

  2. straightarrow Says:

    I don’t care one way or the other how he fares. That’s right, I don’t care if he gets killed in retribution or if he lives. I simply can’t generate any sympathy or empathy for this sonofabitch. I would hope that his family leave him. No point in wishing harm on the innocent. However, he is no innocent. He had to know how corrupt his agency was from day one. He stayed and did their bidding. So fuck him, the horse he rode in on, his fellows in service still being “good little soldiers” and all those who send them.

    Let them all suffer the consequences of deals with the devil.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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