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Where guns are banned

People just go crazy with swords. Clearly, we must ban swords.

6 Responses to “Where guns are banned”

  1. Weer'd Beard Says:

    People mention that the antis who say they only want to ban handguns and “evil” rifles will eventually get around to all the other guns…but that’s terribly short sighted. Remember, once England banned guns, they’ve since gone after knives and swords, and also gone after self-defense in general. (Some dude was jailed for carrying a milk bottle because he openly said it was for clubbing the guy who mugged him the week before)

    They won’t stop at the tools, they’ll only stop when we’re all in chains.

  2. Weer'd Beard Says:

    Shit, In my haste I didn’t notice it was from my home state.

    Yep a sword is a “Dangerous Weapon”, and banned for carry in Mass.

    Looks like the law works too. My big question was when he kept saying “Shoot Me!” why the cops didn’t respect his request? Sounds like a win-win to me!

  3. Jeanette K. Says:

    I wonder what they would use if swords were banned… plastic mallets?

  4. Speakertweaker Says:

    This will only lead to a ban on fingers. Srsly. After swords, it will be knives. Then big hammers. Then small hammers. Then pens, pencils, and Sharpies. All we’ll have left is our fingers, which will most certainly leave us stricken with the need to go on serial eye-gouging sprees. This will leave Our Betters no choice but to ban fingers.

    We are evil, and must be punished.


  5. Dixie Says:

    No Highlander reference yet? I’m disappointed.

  6. B Smith Says:

    This reminds me of a couple of incidents from a few years back: In one, a man burst into a Catholic mass and attacked parishoners with a sword. In the other, a man attacked a barrister’s aide with a sword, wounding him pretty badly. Both occurred in England, IIRC.
    And both perpetrators were NAKED.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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