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Oh please, Bart Simpson is like 31 years old now

Simpsons porn lands man on sex offender list.

3 Responses to “Oh please, Bart Simpson is like 31 years old now”

  1. Ian Argent Says:

    Ahh Australia…

    IIRC, and IANAL but in the US it’s not child porn if the images aren’t real. Doesn’t stop it from being squicky

  2. Laughingdog Says:

    I wouldn’t be so sure. Some guy did get convicted because he wrote stories in a journal about having sex with children. If that will get you convicted, I can’t imagine that animated stuff would be any better.

  3. Ian Argent Says:

    Odd – the exceotion to the 1A for child porn is explicitly because children are (unavoidably) harmed in the production thereof. He may have been nailed for indecency (community standards) – there was a case where “common” porn suppliers (BBS days) in one state were charged, extradited, convited, and served time because someone in a rather more straighlaced state could access it; but I was pretty sure that theory died a quiet death once the modern internet took off.

    Not saying it couldn’t happen – it certainly did in at least one case I am aware of; but that was 20-odd years ago.

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