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Future overlords

31 years ago, the first human was killed by a robot.

3 Responses to “Future overlords”

  1. Conan the Grammarian Says:

    I’m not going to google it, but I think the first human most likely was around much farther back in time than 31 years ago. I remember being around more than 31 years ago, myself.

    I think you meant that 31 years ago, a robot first killed a human.

  2. GuardDuck Says:

      /grəˈmɛəriən/ Show Spelled Pronunciation [gruh-mair-ee-uhn] Show IPA
    Use Grammarian in a Sentence
    See images of Grammarian
    Search Grammarian on the Web
    1. a specialist or expert in grammar.
    2. a person who claims to establish or is reputed to have established standards of usage in a language.
    3. a peculiar or otherwise dislikable person, esp. one who perceives themselves to be overly intellectual.
    1350–1400; ME gramarien < OF gramairien. See grammar, -ian

  3. M4Finny Says:

    From the article: “Williams died instantly in 1979 when the robot’s arm slammed him as he was gathering parts in a storage facility, where the robot also retrieved parts ……. subsequently, the robot was promoted and eventually moved up the ranks to become Ron Gettlefinger, the head of the UAW.”

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