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In Colorado

A gun ban for the university?

4 Responses to “In Colorado”

  1. Pete Says:

    This just pisses me off. The students are against it and the powers that be just ignores them.

  2. Andrew C Says:

    I’d suspect the majority of students are actually in support of it. The article said the student council voted for the ban 8-1.

    I didn’t think our rights were supposed to be determined by a majority vote though. Too bad university administrations around the country seem to disagree with me on that.

    I tried to get some traction to restore concealed carry on Boise State University’s campus, but our president is as anti-gun as they come. I’d have to appeal to the Board of Education, which is also extremely anti-gun. So I’m left pestering state representatives, who have so many issues going on right now that they don’t want to push for a controversial bill.

  3. cybrus Says:

    Andrew – surprisingly enough, it was 8-1 AGAINST the ban. Quote:
    “student leaders voted 8-1 on Monday against a concealed-weapons ban.”

    I was surprised to read that too.

    I’m not very familiar with Colorado law, but wouldn’t a ban only affect students/employees of the school?

  4. Andrew C Says:

    Wow, nice! I misread it. I’m not sure on Colorado law either, but in Idaho the ban applies to everyone on campus. Students and employees can be expelled or fired, but anyone else can only be removed from campus. If I remember correctly, the last time someone carried a gun onto campus they were also charged with “disturbing the peace,” but I don’t think the charge stuck.

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