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45/.410 long gun

From Rossi, even has a revolving cylinder. Like a long gun version of the judge.

7 Responses to “45/.410 long gun”

  1. Standard Mischief Says:


    Conventional wisdom says that you should not use the forearm at all for those types of guns, yet they made it out of wood. I wonder how long this will be on the market in present configuration?

  2. Standard Mischief Says:

    Then again, maybe I’m just thinking about the black powder repro from Dixie

  3. Mik Says:

    Taurus president interviewed on Cam & Company yesterday said there is some type of gasket to prevent the cylinder hot gases from burning your forward arm. Hope it works well…..

  4. Madrocketscientist Says:

    So when is this gonna take the .454 Causal?

  5. Rivrdog Says:

    Is that long barrel rifled? I wonder if the Feds will let them sell that stock separately as a gun part? It appears that it would fit a Judge handgun. Also, a competent wood-carver cound detach the stock from the grip, fit a latching mechanism, and have a detachable-stock version.

    Lots of BATFE possibilities here.

  6. Standard Mischief Says:

    OK, a little google-fu and the caution is due to accidentally touching off more than one cylinder in a black powder revolver from sparks when firing. To lessen that possibility many smear crisco or lard over top of the loaded bullet.

    I assume the chance of a chain fire is much less with metallics.

  7. D2k Says:

    @Standard Mischief
    The reason you don’t want you hand in front of the cylinder gap is because of what Mik said the cylinder gap blast would burn your arm pretty severely.
    Can’t find a youtube of it, but the mythbusters did a test where they stuck a simulated hand next to the cylinder gap on a revolver, it pretty much took two fingers off.

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