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An accounting

78 missing guns:

The ATF released on Monday a list of 78 firearms unaccounted for by the Whitley County Sheriff’s Department following a Dec. 21 burglary at the office.

Not all of the guns are believed to be stolen, said Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms & Explosives Public Information Officer George Huffman.

“We believe that the actual amount of firearms that are stolen or missing is far less than 78,” Huffman said. “We believe that a large number of firearms have been released, we just can’t find the documents supporting their release.”

2 Responses to “An accounting”

  1. gator Says:

    They’re not missing. They’re merely “undocumented”.

  2. straightarrow Says:

    Can you say “throw down gun” or “gee, that would look good in my collection.”

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