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Where does the EOTech go?

Sniper rifles and AKs for the Wii.

2 Responses to “Where does the EOTech go?”

  1. Weer'd Beard Says:

    been playing a LOT (seriously I can quit whenever I want!) of Call of Duty 4 on my wii. I thought about getting one of those gun attachments, still the way the wiimote/nunchuck setup works you can’t put your hand on a forearm to steady your shot AND still have access to all the necessary buttons.

    So instead I look like a total dork doing the tactical flashlight and pistol support grip with my wii controller.

    I’m having fun, so can’t complain…and you should expect to look like a dork when you’re cooped up inside playing video games.

  2. Don Gwinn Says:

    My son has “Deer Drive” (Don’t waste your money) for the Wii, and it came with a blaze orange “shotgun” controller that holds both controllers.

    It sucks.

    For one thing, you have to fire the weapon by pressing the button that’s at the front of the foreend . . . you reload by pressing the button that’s inside the trigger guard, where the trigger would be. Why? No one knows.

    Much worse than that, though, is that if you’re standing a couple of feet in front of the TV, as my son does, the crosshairs on the screen appear about eight inches to the right and low of where the sights point. If you stand back at the recommended distance and aim at the center of the television screen, the crosshairs are off the screen. You end up playing no differently than you would without the gun controller.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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