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Jerry Miculek Practical Rifle

From Brownell’s:

Via email:

Brownells is wrapping up on a new and exciting set of instructional DVD’s that feature Jerry Miculek and his vast shooting experience and capabilities in shooting the AR-15 rifle. The “Jerry Miculek Practical Rifle” DVD will be available at (stock number 100-004-974) and (Jerry’s website (make sure you include the dash or it’ll take to an adult website)) at the end of January.

A high resolution version of this trailer can be found on the Brownells YouTube Channel at:

Produced entirely at Brownells studios in partnership with Bang Inc. this 3 DVD set is 2 hours and 17 minutes in length, broken down into short easy segments, and features innovative camera angles, slow motion footage, and animated illustrations so the viewer can fully comprehend and study the subjects being taught. The format and structure of this project was designed from the very beginning to be instructionally sound and presented in a very logical format.

Jerry Miculek Practical Rifle covers everything about shooting the AR-15 from how he sets up his rifle to the basics of stance, grip, trigger control, and all the way through practice drills to advanced shooting techniques We even feature a bonus section that goes beyond the mechanics and reasoning of expert shooting, and lets you get into Jerry head.

And you’ll learn:

How to set up your rifle like Jerry’s
The stance, grip & trigger technique used by the pros
Basic & advanced drill that will improve your shooting
Shooting multiple & moving targets
Moving & acquiring targets faster
Shooting from behind cover & different positions
How to reload & deal with malfunctions quickly
The winning techniques used by Jerry

The man can shoot.

6 Responses to “Jerry Miculek Practical Rifle”

  1. Weer'd Beard Says:

    I’m not much of a carbine shooter, so maybe somebody who is could give some insight.

    He seems to have the rifle canted fairly dramatically when he shoots, obviously it works, is this just a comfort thing, or is there a tactical basis?

  2. Daniel C. Says:

    If you look closely, I think he is running both a scope and a red dot optic canted at 45 degress. So the rifle would be in a typical upright position when he is using the scope and canted 45 deg when he is using the red dot optic for close in targets with quick transitions.

  3. SayUncle Says:

    ‘He seems to have the rifle canted fairly dramatically ‘

    Yeah, he’s got one of those little red dots angled so he can transition to close quarters from ranged shots with the scope.

  4. bob r Says:

    “The man can shoot.”

    It’s early yet but that should be in the running for understatement of the year.

  5. Weer'd Beard Says:

    cool thanks for the info.

  6. Bobby Says:

    Watching that, all I can think of is that its like a CNC machine learned to shoot.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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