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We’re winning

The year of the NRA:

What follows is hardly a complete list (yep, there’s more!), but here are a few of the most significant pro-firearm, pro-2A successes of 2009, the Year of the NRA:

6 Responses to “We’re winning”

  1. M4Finny Says:

    We have one a few key battles as you accurately listed. But, let us never make the same mistake again and become complacent ever. Let us not simply be satisfied with “what we have now”. In fact, let us never be satiated ever again as American Gun owners. Stay on the offensive until every American completely understands and supports the RKBA, PERIOD. No more compromise.

  2. Chas Says:

    We’re winning, but the country’s going to hell in a hand basket. Gun owners need do more. We need to vote that anti-American Marxist out of the White House, and we especially need to take Congress away from the anti-gun, anti-American Democratic Party.

  3. ka Says:

    “We need to vote that anti-American Marxist out of the White House”

    Maybe so, but the only other choice at the time was a pro-American Marxist. Will there be another choice next time?

  4. mariner Says:

    It was a Year of the Second Amendment.

  5. Dave Says:

    Our second amendment rights are reasonably secure, and I’m happy about the progress that has been made on that front. As for the rest, I’ve said it before, and I’ll repeat myself here. At at the rate we are going we might as well put the queen on our money and learn to like soccer.

  6. Mikee Says:

    The article linkec says of the Supreme Court Heller vs DC decision: “The NRA shepherded this historic case through the court system…” without mentioning that it was NOT the NRA that started this case and got it to the Supreme Court, and through to victory there.

    Alan Gura created this case and sheperded it through the courts and won this case before the Supreme Court. NRA had very little to do with it, except for opposing it initially as a risky move and then supporting it in principle after it succeeded in getting to the Supreme Court docket. I don’t think there was any financial support from the NRA for this case, or legal representation of the plaintiffs from NRA resources, or recognition after victory that the NRA did NOT start and win the case.

    And now, with Alan Gura about to argue again before the Supreme Court to stop 2nd Amendment rights infringement by state and local governments, the NRA is trying to push him aside and take half his time to make their own arguments before the SC. The NRA has been a dog in a manger (see your Aesop’s Fables) about this series of cases from their start.

    I am an NRA member, and am willing to be corrected about anything I have written above, but the big Supreme Court case in 2008 cannot be written up as an NRA-led victory to my knowledge.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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