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That’s a good one

Petey Hamm, of the Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Ownership taking time out from threatening to shoot me, says:

If someone is not a convicted felon or hasn’t been found to be a danger to themselves due to mental illness and they believe they can handle a firearm, we support their right to purchase one.

Wow. How the mighty have fallen:

the Brady Campaign, which once pushed for a nationwide gun ban, has now lost so much ground on the national scene that they’re forced to debate (and lose to) amateurs, and issue statements in the media supporting the right to keep and bear arms!

Update: Petey opposes the Brady Campaign?

2 Responses to “That’s a good one”

  1. Thirdpower Says:

    He’s now contradicting the stated positions by his organization. They better be careful to not call him Petey.

  2. Chas Says:

    “If someone is not a convicted felon …”
    So they’ve backed off on misdemeanor domestic violence convictions?

    “…or hasn’t been found to be a danger to themselves due to mental illness…”
    Or others of course, which they seem to think includes just about anyone who ever served in the military.

    “…and they believe they can handle a firearm,…”
    Mandatory training is now off their list of demands?

    “…we support their right to purchase one.”
    Only one? But obviously not if it’s a handgun, or a semi-auto, or .50 caliber, or it has a pistol grip, or a “thing that goes up”, etc.

    Hamm is just posturing. Their agenda hasn’t changed a bit; the political environment has changed and they can’t cope with it without contradicting themselves. Ahh! The sweet sound of “confusion to the enemy”!

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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