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Mark it

I think catering to the birthers is probably the nail in the coffin of her political career.

25 Responses to “Mark it”

  1. Stormy Dragon Says:

    If I may be cynical for a momment, what happens if it makes her even more popular with the Republican base?

  2. Weer'd Beard Says:

    For me it was quitting the Governor’s office. I just couldn’t figure out any way to imagine that would have been a good thing unless her resignation speech that alluded to her protecting her family was true.

    Since she’s on a book and speaking tour, and therefore still a public figure, that was a lie. So she’s a quitter and a liar. Thanks, but no-thanks on that serving of tripe!

    Oh and frankly she made me feel hopey-changey, can you blame me for being wary of such a sensation?

  3. j t bolt Says:

    You take the word of HuffPo at face value? At least HuffPo posted her response to the charge of Birther tendencies.

  4. Steve Says:

    She’s a rock star. She’s young and she’ll still be young enough to run for president in 2028 or 2032. By then no one will even remember what a birther was.
    It is way too soon to make that call.
    I’m no birther and I have not seen any evidence that Obama is not a natural born American citizen but if Obama had been the republican candidate, his failure to produce an original birth certificate would have been a much bigger story and the conventional media wisdom would be that it is a legitimate issue. For a few days last year John McCain’s birth in the Panama Canal Zone was an issue.

  5. Ron W Says:

    “A nation that is afraid to let its people judge the truth and falsehood in an open market is a nation that is afraid of its people.” –John F. Kennedy

    Those whom we are obliged to trust with delegated powers should produce all required documents, just as the rest of us (excpeting illegal aliens) are required to produce proper documents in many situations. Doing that simple, requirement would eliminate the issue. The “birhter” issue continues from the failure or refusal to do so.

  6. Tomcatshanger Says:

    I tried marking it, but my pen wouldn’t write on the slippery slope of “fair question” equals” I think he’s damn foreigner”.

    The reporter asked her a question. What answer would you have found appropriate? What answer do you believe the loonie left would find appropriate?

  7. Stormy Dragon Says:

    What answer would you have found appropriate?

    Something along the lines of “I think any reasonable person would agree by now that this issue has been resolved. Given the serious issues this country faces, I think we waste far too much time on non-issues, whether they be things like Obama’s birth certificate or my daughter’s parentage. We should be far more worried about Obama’s legislative agenda than endlessly refighting the 2008 election.”

  8. Robb Allen Says:

    Yeah, at first I was thinking that, if she goes all Birther, then I’d lose all support for her. But I didn’t get that from what she said. While I like her governing style, she’s still first and foremost, a Politician. Meaning she’s going to say what she thinks will have the biggest impact while requiring the least amount of effort from herself in regards to gaining power.

    If, however, she did make that a platform of her campaign, you’d see me there on the sidelines making fun of her just as much as I do the other birthers (which, incidentally is GREAT for getting your hits up!)

  9. Dan Says:

    Probably not. After all, we have a president in the white house who went to church with a vicious bigot and who routintely denies his white heritage.

    Of course, the media is going to spin it that way. Like it tried with Trig or how Bristol getting pregnant = death of the conservative movement.

  10. Wolfwood Says:

    I think any reasonable person would agree by now that this issue has been resolved.

    I don’t think simply not answering and hoping people grow tired counts as resolving an issue. Having worked as a prosecutor, I’m very aware of rights that people have that are nonetheless annoying and nearly pointless, especially when you have access to the facts. The right to have an elected official prove his qualifications is along those lines.

    I’d also say it’s like getting carded at the liquor store. You may look 21 or you may look 88, but they have to do it for everyone. An only guy walking in and declaring the issue resolved isn’t going to be walking out with anything to drink. Shouldn’t we at least hold the President to the same standard as a liquor store customer?

  11. Ron W Says:

    Wolfword writes,

    “Shouldn’t we at least hold the President to the same standard as a liquor store customer?”

    Right! I recently ahd to produce my birth certificate to RENEW my Tennessee Handgun Permit–that for a citizen exercising a RIGHT (2nd Amendment U.S. Constitution and Article I,Sec.26 State Constitution). The President and all other elected and appointed government officials work UNDER “delegated powers” according to the Constitution. The greater always delegates to the lesser. So absolutely the President should be held to at least the same standard.

    And then there’s that little matter of “the equal protection of the laws” 14th Amendment. Oh, that’s those words from the Constitution again! Those who expect our government officials uphold their oaths and obey its wording are often put in the same category as so-called “birthers”.

  12. Huck Says:

    My brother is a truck driver. He has to show DOCUMENTATION to prove that he is qualified to drive/operate a 18 wheeler. I had to cough up DOCUMENTATION to show that I was qualified to be a Firefighter. If my brother and I, and many others, are required to prove that we’re qualified to to our jobs then the arrogant SoB who’s holding the position of POTUS should damn well do so too!

  13. Rustmeister Says:

    Wait, you mean to tell me Obama can’t produce a birth certificate?

  14. Wolfwood Says:

    Wait, you mean to tell me Obama can’t produce a birth certificate?

    Well, hasn’t, at least.

    He’s produced a photocopy of a Birth Certification, which isn’t quite the same thing (although it’s close). However, you can apparently get one by lying, seeing as Sun Yat-Sen (who was born near Macau and eventually overthrew the Chinese Imperium) got one.

    Personally, I suspect that Obama was born in Hawaii. At the same time, though, I shouldn’t have to suspect; I should be able to know. I can only think of three good reasons for not supplying the actual Birth Certificate:
    1. It got destroyed/lost. This can happen, but I don’t think it’s alleged here.
    2. It doesn’t exist. This is the goldmine Birthers are going for, but I think it’s more likely that this is a very weird Rope-a-Dope by the Obama team.
    3. It has something embarrassing on it. If so, so what? What could it reveal? No one would care if his parents weren’t married. No one’s alleging that he was adopted. We don’t put down the child’s religion (and even if we did, he says that he’s now a Christian, and we should honor that claim). Even “Father: Unknown” wouldn’t really be news (and would probably provide a welcome distraction from Health Care coverage).

    So it’s kind of a puzzle. It’s not surprising that the media isn’t looking into this (although let’s see what happens if his popularity dips to 40% or he somehow over-screws them), but it’s still weird. It’s certainly not transparent, and with the pattern of Obama’s records getting released, it makes a person suspicious of what’s being hid.

  15. Ron W Says:

    Wasn’t Barack Obama’s first name Barry Soetero or something like that? Maybe that’s why he doesn’t want to produce the required document…which should disqualify him as much as me if and when I don’t want to produce a required document….. I’m such an extremist….maybe even a “potential terrorist”.

  16. Phelps Says:

    It will be exactly as radioactive as “selected not elected” was in 2004.

  17. DirtCrashr Says:

    If you ever had to deal with Hawaiian bureaucracy the question wouldn’t be, “Show us his birth certificate” it would be, “Howzit bra! Dat tang is still lost eh? Ya man!” It’s not like they had computers back then – or anything much beyond a shared mimeograph machine.

    It wasn’t much better when we got married there six years ago. They had an electric typewriter and a big, multi-thickeness form that made five Gubbmin’t copies.
    Each time they made a spelling mistake or another error they had to pull the entire form out and start over – and each time they started over they made a new and different mistake.
    After the *fifth* do-over we said “Enough!” – and so my mom’s name is something other than what it really is and our address is wrong.

  18. mariner Says:

    You don’t like her and will use any excuse to declare her career over (but of course you posted on it). I got that a long time ago.

    I’m with Ron W, Wolfwood and Huck. He long ago should have been required to prove his eligibility and never has. Declaring the matter beyond the pale does not settle the question.

    If this be birther, make the most of it! (with apology to Patrick Henry)

  19. SayUncle Says:

    I like her fine. Probably would vote for her over any other bonehead that would run. But her career moves are a bit lacking.

  20. Flock of One Says:

    “The science is settled, but we won’t release the raw data for independent verification. Anyone who disagree’s is a denier!”

    “The issue is settled, but we won’t release the raw data for independent verification. Anyone who disagree’s is a birther!”

    Trust, but verify.

  21. Stormy Dragon Says:

    which isn’t quite the same thing (although it’s close).

    Actually, it is the same thing, although certain people have tried topretend otherwise. That is the only document Hawaii provides for the purposes of verifying birth status.

  22. Flock of One Says:


    See, I’ve got an original issue of my birth certificate from 1968. At one point I’d thought I’d lost it and filed for a copy. The copy came and looked exactly like a zerox of the original with an embossed state seal.

    That’s how it works. That’s why it’s called a ‘certified copy’.

    Granted, my example was not in Hawaii. But Hawaii does issue something called a ‘certified copy’. It can’t very well be something ginned up on a laser printer, as we’ve seen, to be considered a ‘certified copy’.

    Additionally, from Hawaii’s own DoH website they state:

    “Certified copies will normally be available for pick-up about 10 working days after the request is approved. The pick-up time may be extended for records that are very old, because the search to locate the record may take longer…”.


    Now I ask you, if the thing is on computer file and can be printed up on some official paper, why does it take ten or more days to locate the record? Because the record is a paper or microfiche file perhaps? And if it is indeed a hard copy record from 1964, wouldn’t it look like the long form everybody has been asking for? Wouldn’t it look much like my certified copy from 1968?

    ‘But Hawaii only issues that style…’ Bzzzt, wrong. Hawaii issues two types of birth records. The aforementioned ‘certified copy’ and something that they call a ‘Letter of verification’. As stated by Hawaii’s DoH:

    “Letters of verification may be issued in lieu of certified copies (HRS §338-14.3). This document verifies the existence of a birth/death/marriage/divorce certificate on file with the Department of Health and any other information that the applicant provides to be verified relating to the vital event. (For example, that a certain named individual was born on a certain date at a certain place.) The verification process will not, however, disclose information about the vital event contained within the certificate that is unknown to and not provided by the applicant in the request.”


    Wow, that sounds a lot more like the minimally informative certificate of live birth thingie-ma-jig we’ve seen.

    Oh, and one more thing – You can’t even get a US passport using that skimpy thing Obama has provided. Department of State info:

    “*A certified birth certificate has a registrar’s raised, embossed, impressed or multicolored seal, registrar’s signature, and the date the certificate was filed with the registrar’s office, which must be within 1 year of your birth. Please note, some short (abstract) versions of birth certificates may not be acceptable for passport purposes.”




  23. Wolfwood Says:

    I did read an interesting theory the other day, although I can’t remember where (Fark comment thread, maybe?): What if the Birth Certificate says “Race: White” ? No one has any doubt of Pres. Obama’s racial background, but I suspect he’s thin-skinned enough to not want it released.

    In any case, it’s the only type of “embarrassing information” that seems to me that could possibly be any kind of a problem.

  24. Stormy Dragon Says:

    The certificate released by the Obama campaign HAS the embossed seal and signature, as has been verified by the numerous people who have examined it. They just don’t show up when the thing is scanned. Which isn’t really suprising since being hard to copy is THE WHOLE GOD DAMN POINT OF PUTTING THEM THERE.

    Once again, the birthers are just making stuff up whole cloth. So no, reasonable people don’t think there’s anything to it, and any one who’s willing to cater to the cuckoocloudlanders who still do has no business being elected dog catcher, much less president.

  25. Cargosquid Says:

    There’s always the rumor at Atlas Shrugs that the Birth Certificate may show a different father than the one publicly acknowledged….

    Farfetched, but, just think of the bombshell it would be if Obama WERE Malcolm’s son……….

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