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Cultural Implications from Family Feud

This past weekend, I noticed the Mrs. had TiVoed a few episodes of the new Family Feud with that guy from Home Improvement (show was better with Dawson). One of the questions was, roughly: Name a profession people don’t trust. Got your answer? Ok. Now, I disclose to you that one of the families was white and one was black. What do you suppose each family’s answer was? Leave PC at the door and answer.

The black family said police. White family said lawyer.

Obviously, it’s anecdotal but I can’t figure out why it is we’re not allowed to talk about stuff like this.

13 Responses to “Cultural Implications from Family Feud”

  1. Dan Says:

    I used to think that cop-hating was BS myself, until I was hanging out with a black friend of mine who has a job driving a small campus shuttle bus around a college when he was tailed repeatedly by a cop for absolutely no reason at all. Or when my brother got pulled over by an undercover cop and got screamed at for ‘driving like grandma’ and then threatened him with “I know where you live” after seeing his driving license.

    I am guessing it is a mix of being taught that cops are bad with negative experiences with cops that reinforce the image of the pig in a lot of minorities.

  2. SayUncle Says:

    I think it does tend to go both ways.

  3. Jeff the Baptist Says:

    I completely understand the black family.

    I’ve never had a lawyer in my employ screw me or give me bad advice. In other people’s employ? Sure, but that’s the nature of the beast.

    Cops? Yes. I was pulled over for speeding by a cop I was following (who was not running lights or sirens at the time). His story changed multiple times during the traffic stop and when he noticed that I was paying attention, suddenly he’s letting me off with a warning. That’s a completely minor example that I wouldn’t even file a complaint over. When cops have flat out screwed up, I’ve seen the blue boys club swing into action to cover their buddies butts.

  4. straightarrow Says:

    I think Jeff hit it.

  5. anon Says:

    My first thought was ‘reporter’, my second thought was ‘politician’ and my third thought was ‘car salesman’.

    I like lawyers, as long as they’re on my side.
    (no, I’m not a lawyer)

  6. Some Cop Hater Says:

    I’m white as the driven snow, and a professional with a six-figure income, but I have to admit, I can’t stand the police. I’ve never had a good experience with them. They don’t protect my life or property any better than I could…if they weren’t actively enforcing laws in the District of Columbia to disarm me! What’s more, police powers seem to attract the biggest ego-tripping jerks I’ve ever run across (and I deal with lawyers and politicians). Yes, even aside from the racial aspect, I don’t care for the police.

    Oh, and here in DC, it’s reversed. Black cops will cite white people for things they would otherwise have let a brother off for. I can relate to why black people dislike the police elsewhere, because here in DC, where blacks are the majority, they practice blatant, institutionally-entrenched racism.

  7. _Jon Says:

    Go read the latest on Cory Maye at Reason.
    (Black guy who killed a white cop during a (no)knock drug raid.)
    He is getting a re-trial in his home area. The lawyer’s reasoning is due to the influence of the police on potential jurors, he expects to get a better jury.
    Hint: The citizens don’t trust the police.

  8. tim buckner Says:

    Wow,Family Feud as a microcosim of society.Who would of thunk it.

  9. guy Says:

    I’m a little disappointed “politician” wasn’t at the top of everyone’s list. But then maybe it was the word “profession” that skewed the answers.

  10. Rabbit Says:

    I anecdotaly remember an alleged survey where whites and blacks were asked the question “What do you fear personally?”

    Whites answered ‘cancer, loss of a child, loss of a spouse’.

    Blacks answered ‘dogs, ghosts, and certified mail’.

    As I said, this was related as an anecdote, so I have no authentication of the veracity. Your FF example would seem to correlate a line of logic.


  11. mariner Says:

    As several others above, I’m surprised neither family went for “politician”.

    I’m not black and I don’t like cops either — too many cops are determined to disregard settled law and citizens’ rights regarding firearms ownership and carry.

    In general cops have spent decades building themselves up as a fraternity of very special people who are different from the rest of us, in that they are above the law and we are not. I despise them.

  12. SayUncle Says:

    They did go for politician but it wasn’t their first answer.

  13. Ride Fast Says:

    “I’m surprised neither family went for “politician”.”

    How many politicians are also lawyers?

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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