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Another PDW

Seems you can’t swing a dead cat without hitting someone making them these days. The latest I’ve seen is The PDW 7.92 VBR-B Compact. More links at Steve’s.

6 Responses to “Another PDW”

  1. Weer'd Beard Says:

    Wow that thing is fucking UGLY!

    Still with the Fort Hood shooting causing some shake-ups about unarmed soldiers, there might be a sudden need for a contract for arming home-side troops while on base.

    I still prefer the Magpul Prototype.

  2. Mark@Sea Says:

    I’d buy it. As a confirmed 1911/M1 rifle fan (and my home defense carbine is an M1 carbine), thats’ saying something…

  3. nk Says:

    Do they still make mini-UZIs?

  4. Blake Says:

    Looks more like a blaster.

  5. Hyman Roth Says:

    Take a close look at those pics. It looks like something I made in my shed with a dremel and some band iron.

  6. Fûz Says:

    The translation is lacking. I kept thinking, “I can haz pdw?”

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