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Stealing content

I’ve linked to Daily Gun Pictures a few times, like this post. Then it was pointed out to me that the blog was just stealing content from other sites. Attribution is a good thing.

7 Responses to “Stealing content”

  1. Steve Says:

    He updated the post and remove most of my text (not all), and issued a non-apology justifying his action.

    His other website still has my content:

  2. Steve Says:

    The Daily Gun Pictures guy posted a comment saying that Gun is not his website.

  3. Pat Says:

    If I link to something that I see here; I always give you credit for it. Stealing content is just lame.

  4. John Says:

    Attribution is a good thing.

    So is hat tipping, Uncle.

  5. Daily Gun Pictures Says:

    My response to stealing content.
    First of all I give people credit that ask for it. Most people don’t want it for various reasons, I respect that.
    The few submittals with objections I get I try and correct immediately.
    As for stealing content, these pictures are emailed to me, and some people think I should spend my life chasing down every picture I get to see where it came from. That is so absurd it boggles the mind. Like I said, I will fix something if I am informed about it, and only from the source themselves not a third party, But I need proof you own it and time to verify it. In most cases I will still give someone credit. I have offered to give several people credit, i.e. Link to their site or blog but they can’t accept that.
    My policy is clear I will continue to accept any image emailed to me in good faith until I am informed otherwise, I would accord the same from anyone else.
    I might point out that copying from a weapon manufacturer or distributors website or patent and posting it to your site before someone else does not give you special rights. Now if the weapon is yours or you know the source of the weapon and they gave you exclusive rights you have a good argument and I will respect that, again once I am informed. In the case of Steve above, I did remove the one picture he objected to and any write-up. I replaced it with pictures I then obtained from the gun manufacturers website with their write-up. I also did apologize to him in my email reply. The link he has above contains nothing that is solely his.
    Personally, I think it’s better just to acknowledge people will copy things, it’s obvious, they are sending them to me and probably hundred other people.
    Obviously, as one person pointed out to me yesterday, those complaining have never visited a Craigslist RnR Board, or similar forum where copyrights run rampant daily.
    As for the website:
    It;s not mine and if you want to talk about complaining I am the guy that should be complaining. The owner of thats site copied numerous post word for word and reposted them to an offshore (non US entity owned website). They also used all my logos from my Blog Sidebar. They even are using my Twitter Page Logo Icon that connects to my Twitter Page – so please get over this and move on, I should be the one complaining about that website, but I accept it’s there and that I cannot do anything about it. The server uses a proxy name which means it’s impossible to know who owns it – but it is not I. I am disabled Marine Vet and on a very limited income, I couldn’t afford a website.
    I can tell many of you have never served.

  6. Steve Says:

    Daily Gun Pictures, I tried to thank you for your cooperation, but comments had been turned off on your site. Anyway, we are good as far as I am concerned.

  7. Daily Gun Pictures Says:

    Thanks so like I said I try and do the right thing, my site is to keep me busy and my mind off my problems.
    Also, If war has taught me one thing life is short, so I trust people and take at face value what they send me.
    Everyone a goof holiday.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

Uncle Pays the Bills

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